get started

I'm Agnihotra.

Hey, I’m Agnihotra. I’m a 16 year old student and Web Developer based in India. A techie at heart, I’m also into cars, music and cameras.


CS Student

I've always been interested in computers, and technology in general. It's the backbone of what makes our future possible: Science and Research.

Web Developer

I've worked on Web Technologies before, not only for my own website, but also for other web pages and apps.

Software Dev

I've also worked on many pieces of software. Some of them include Files, Rise Media Player and Mozilla Firefox.

GitHub Verified

Being in this spot for such a short amount of time hasn't prevented me from earning my own place on GitHub, with Pro Certifications, Global Campus Memberships and more.

Design & Philosophy

While I don’t have the *most* experience in Software Development and Design, I’ve also been involved in Creative Designing and Editing!

Contributions to Firefox

The right to customise.

I've gone into the deep roots of the UX Framework of Firefox, to make customized UX Stylesheets to rev up the look and feel of using the browser daily.

Custom Coolors Palettes

Express with colours!

I often design some customized and curated colour palettes on Coolors, obeying various UX Principles and Design Languages.

Material Design Language

The eye-candy for Android and everything Google-y.

I contribute to the Material Design Project from Google. This project has its influence almost directly on Google's own UX Design frameworks and most Android apps, now made even more fun with Material You.